By Zoe Swire
Reduce Heat Usage
While the heat is a nice benefit for your house during cold months, putting on a blanket or wearing extra layers could save around 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.
2. Turn Off Non-Essential Lights
Turning your lights off when you are not in the room or when they are non-essential can save a lot of electricity. This act also spares CO2 emissions since the process of burning fossil fuels, which is needed to produce energy, releases these harmful gasses. Decreased light usage can also save money. Leaving your lights on for a full 24 hours can cost you approximately 20 cents per day, assuming you are paying 12 cents per kWh of energy.
3. Recycling Smarter
Learning how to properly dispose of certain waste products is a necessity when it comes to helping our environment. Around 22% of responders on a survey claim that they don’t have enough information regarding recycling, and 18% admit to having little understanding on what products should and shouldn’t go in the recycling bin. (Covanta Survey 2019 “Americans don’t know how to recycle”).
4. Consider Going Solar
Not only do solar panels provide you with clean, renewable energy, but can reduce air pollution as well. Solar panels are also low emission and provide energy that is available every day of the year. Next time you have a family discussion, consider mentioning the benefits of installing solar panels.
5. Save Water
Similar to turning off the lights, turning off your faucet can help save water. Statistically speaking, around 3 to 4 gallons of water can be saved per day when you turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or whenever water isn't needed. Along with the fact that conserving water saves energy, which is needed to work your water system at home. Another option could be investing in water-saving shower heads that can save up to 2,900 gallons of water per year.
Work Cited
“Basic Information about Carbon Monoxide (CO) Outdoor Air Pollution | US EPA.” US EPA, 13 July 2016,
Cho, Renee. “Heating Buildings Leaves a Huge Carbon Footprint, But There’s a Fix For It.” State of the Planet,, 15 Jan. 2019,,Heating%20Buildings%20Leaves%20a%20Huge%20Carbon%20Footprint,There%27s%20a%20Fix%20For%20It&text=Most%20of%20these%20buildings%27%20furnaces,city%27s%20total%20greenhouse%20gas%20emissions.
“How Does A Low-Flow Showerhead Help You Save Money And Water? | Hero Power.” Hero Power | Support Clean Energy, Accessed 6 Mar. 2022.
“How Much Does It Cost To Leave A Light On All Day? « Electric Rate.” ElectricRate - Compare Electric Companies and Find the Lowest Rate,, 28 Oct. 2020,,20%20cents%20in%20one%20day.
“How to Conserve Water | The Wildlife Trusts.” The Wildlife Trusts | The Wildlife Trusts, Accessed 6 Mar. 2022.
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“Tap Water Can Add up to Big Waste - The San Diego Union-Tribune.” San Diego Union-Tribune, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 Nov. 2015,,almost%20100%20four%2Dminute%20showers.